Bill Melo
Title: Vice President, Marketing, Services & Solutions
Company: Toshiba America Business Solutions, Inc.
Years in industry: 22
Best thing about your current position: Great company, great people, exciting time in the industry.
Worst thing about your current position: Only 24 hours in a day.
Worst job you ever had: Sweeping steel dust.
Best business decision: Moving to California.
The dumbest decision you ever made in your life: Undoubtedly something to do with a girl.
First Car: Toyota Corolla
Favorite song: “Comfortably Numb” by Pink Floyd
Song you turn volume way up on whenever it comes on the radio while driving alone in the car: “Sheena is a Punk Rocker” by The Ramones
Favorite sport: Football
Favorite sports team: Los Angeles Lakers
The one movie you hate to admit that you enjoy watching again and again: Dodgeball
Favorite book: A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
Best place you ever lived: Southern California
Best vacation ever (location and year): Sydney & Melbourne, Australia
If you had to pick a last meal, what’s on the menu? Cuban
Person who has had the biggest influence on your life: My wife.
If you could switch places for a day with anybody in history (world leader, sports figure, movie star, etc.) for a day, who would that be? Steve Jobs
What’s the one expression that drives you crazy every time you hear it? “We tried that already and it didn’t work.”
What one thing are you good at that people you work with or friends and peers in the industry would be surprised to hear? The drums.