The enormity of her career growth and continued success is not something Debra Merritt takes for granted. Her twin sons like to point out that she used to work in the mailroom, and is now the group manager for commercial channel marketing, North America at Epson. While that notion “keeps her grounded,” there are frequent reminders that speak to her career progression.
In June, she was asked to represent Epson at the KPMG Women’s Leadership Summit, where she heard inspirational addresses from sports journalist Kathryn Tappen, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and American Express executive Anna Marrs. Merritt, deservingly so, was in good company.
In a career that spans more than 30 years, Merritt has solidified her spot in the pantheon of women leaders in the industry, having left her mark in both sales and marketing for such print and imaging luminaries as Ricoh USA, Pitney Bowes and Eastman Kodak. She has received repeated inclusion in CRN’s annual Women of the Channel list.
“One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is to experience people achieving success and supporting them along the way,” said Merritt, a 2023 ENX Magazine Difference Maker. “It’s gratifying to be able to make an impact and start building something from scratch. I enjoy the unknown of being in a startup, and I’ve had the pleasure of doing that during my tenure at Pitney Bowes. Now, I get to do something similar at Epson.”
An infectious enthusiasm is certainly one of the identifying traits that draw team members toward Merritt. She has a passion for the collaborative process and working cross-functionally. During a performance review, a former manager once told Merritt, “You attract talent.” It’s all a part of the team mentality she cultivates.

“I’ve always enjoyed being part of a team – from my early years with boys’ baseball, to girls’ softball and cheerleading,” she said. “I am my team’s biggest cheerleader!”
That hasn’t gone unnoticed by her teammates, either. Last fall, Merritt was diagnosed with breast cancer, and her Epson crew rallied in support. While she is now “on the mend,” Merritt is thankful for her colleagues, who did a tremendous job in ensuring tasks and projects kept moving forward, which allowed her to focus on recovering.
Never Satisfied
Expecting the unexpected, anticipating problems and communicating them when they arise are among the nuggets of wisdom she’s received from past managers. Others have challenged her to become a better, more creative marketer, and Merritt is unceasing in her efforts to learn and grow.
“I think it is important to continue learning and push myself to learn something new,” she noted. “I will do that this year as part of one of my initiatives.”
Merritt is a mother of three. She has twin sons who are attending Bowdoin College in Maine, and the other at Franklin & Marshall in Pennsylvania. Her daughter, a marketing professional, works and lives in Australia. Merritt plans to visit her this November.
Away from the office, she enjoys spending time at one of the many beaches along the northeast coastline. Watch Hill, Rhode Island is a favorite haunt for Merritt and her partner, Ed. They also love making train trips to New York City and exploring all of the wonderful attractions the Big Apple has to offer. They also donate their time to St. Luke’s Darien feeding the homeless.