“Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.”
— Don Miguel Ruiz
The Four Agreements was published in 1997. It has been on the New York Times Bestselling list for decades. Ruiz’s book is based on the premise that everything we do is based on agreements we have made—agreements with ourselves, with other people, with God, and with life. But the most important agreements are the ones we make with ourselves.
Are you impeccable with your word?
Are you speaking with integrity?
Are you saying only what you mean?
In a post-trust sales world, you must lead an integrity-filled lifestyle every day. You must live it, breathe it and demonstrate it.
Living with integrity, especially in sales, takes courage.
INTEGRITY as defined by Wikipedia…
“Is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values.”
Let’s look it this way. A salesperson of integrity displays a self-principled dedication to values and beliefs. They always aim to reflect ethical standards and do the right thing regardless of the circumstances.
Questions for everyone in sales, management and leadership…
- How many of your clients and future clients would define salespeople as being honest?
- Would your clients and future clients use the words moral and ethical in the same sentence when describing many in sales?
Integrity in Sales, it’s the Only Way
Leading your sales life full of integrity is the only way, especially in a world where trust is almost non-existent. The way you conduct yourself reflects your character and builds upon your reputation.
A life of integrity means you never have to spend time or energy questioning yourself. When you listen to your heart and do the right thing, your sales life becomes simple.
Your actions and the way you conduct yourself are open for your clients and future clients to see.
You are responsible for your own conduct and you are responsible for your own integrity.
Living with integrity is daunting. How many in sales are drawn to the “dark side,” where ego, fear and commission breathe rule our every thought?
Let’s face it, this happens to all of us at some point in time. Therefore, we must regularly make adjustments and about-faced u-turns to bring integrity back into the forefront of our lives.
Are your words and actions in alignment with your beliefs and values?
What are your sales morals? Have you defined them? Are you holding yourself accountable to a set of standards?
Are you guarding your reputation?
Integrity, a Key Component of Selling From The Heart
Do unto your clients as you wish done unto you!
Think about all the broken promises, lies and deceit that run rampant within sales. Do you want to be that salesperson nobody trusts? Do you want your clients to abandon you? Do you want people to steer future clients away from you before you even meet them?
The word “integrity” comes from the Latin “integritas,” meaning wholeness and soundness.
Are you serving your clients with wholeness and soundness?
Learning how to serve with heartfelt sincerity and integrity starts with how you lead yourself.
Learning how to serve, leading your life with integrity and selling from the heart; smash these together and this becomes a recipe for a fulfilling sales career.
Salespeople who have a strong sense of integrity are sadly a rare breed in today’s business world.
Integrity-filled Professionals
To quote the legend Zig Ziglar: “Integrity gives you real freedom because you have nothing to fear since you have nothing to hide.”
Integrity, said author C.S. Lewis, “is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking.” Integrity is a foundational moral virtue. This must be brought back into the sales profession.
I love what Andy Stanley has to say, “People with integrity do the right thing because it is the right thing even if it costs them.”
He goes on to say, “If your goodness just ends with you, if you’re not good for somebody you’re a sounding clanging gong, you’re a clanging symbol, you’re basically a nuisance, you’re just noise”
Think of integrity, morals, ethics and now ask yourself…
What am I truly giving to my clients?
Am I truly serving my clients?
Am I loving my clients?
Integrity in sales means conducting yourself in accordance with honesty, fairness and decency.
Salespeople with integrity share some of these traits…
- They are always honest
- They never take advantage of their clients
- They are humble
- They give without expecting anything in return
- They never manipulate their clients
In a world full of empty suits, integrity will keep you at the top.
Live with Integrity
You can make an accurate assessment by asking yourself these questions devised by ThinkHR, a human resource compliance company.
- Am I willing to say what I’m thinking?
- Am I willing to risk being wrong?
- Does this conduct make me a better person?
- Am I leading by example?
- Am I taking 100% responsibility?
Never ever waver from your integrity. We expect it from others! Your clients and future clients expect it.
I will leave you with one last thought: are you doing the right thing because it is the right thing for your clients?