We are proud to present to you the 2021 Difference Makers honor roll, individuals who were chosen based upon nominations submitted from our readership during the preceding months. All 84 individuals, comprising the largest Difference Maker class to date, will be profiled in the May issue of ENX Magazine, which is slated to mail next week. The profiles will also be available to read on our website shortly.
For a longer, more in-depth look at our Difference Makers, check out our newsletter, The Week In Imaging, for solo interviews with participating honorees. These personality profiles will look at histories, industry influences and the variables that drive these men and women to succeed.
As you can see, this year’s list offers a rich representation of every facet of the industry, with individuals hailing from dealers, manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, consultants and solutions specialists. At a time when professional and personal lives have been tasked to the extreme, the ties that bind this select group are tireless and selfless dedication to serving customers and partners. You seek positive outcomes and win-win scenarios, which are the driving force behind the industry’s engine.
We would also like to take the opportunity to thank you, our readers, for nominating this year’s Difference Maker class, and of course, salute the winners themselves. It is your contributions to not only your customers and stakeholders, but the industry at large that places the office imaging technology universe among the nation’s finest.
Here are the 2021 Difference Makers, listed alphabetically by last name:
- Tobin Bartholomew, Vice President of Sales, Allied Business Solutions
- Jay Bartlett, IT Solutions Manager, Advanced Office
- Sonny Beeskow, Solutions Analyst, Advanced Imaging Solutions
- Nicole Behn, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Edwards Business Systems
- Mike Berry, Vice President, Stone’s Office Equipment
- Ralph Blanco, CEO/Owner, ECMSI
- Barbara Bragger, President, B&B Professional Consulting
- Rich Brandenburg, Senior Vice President of Sales, Donnellon McCarthy Enterprises
- Scott Buckallew, Business Development Manager, Supplies Network
- Clark Bugg, Director, North America Channel Sales, Lexmark International
- Emily Carapella, Business Development Manager, Supplies Network
- Shane Coffey, Vice President, Product Management, Sharp Imaging and Information Company of America
- Melissa Confalone, Vice President of Sales, Fraser Advanced Information Systems
- Paul Cooper, President, GoodSuite
- Holly Dale, Director of Marketing, Central Region, Visual Edge Technology, XMC Inc.
- Glenda David, CEO, Coast to Coast Computer Products
- John Dembia, Product Marketing Manager, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A.
- William DeMuth, Co-President/COO, Metrofuser, LLC
- Stephanie DeSanto, Senior Partner Program Development Manager, Brother International
- Francine Do, CFO/COO, Advanced Imaging Solutions
- Dan Doyle Jr., CEO, DEX Imaging
- Glenn Elbin, Vice President of Service, Doing Better Business
- Yoko Endo, Business Process Manager, Sharp Imaging and Information Company of America
- Michael Fair, Director of Business Development, Pulse Technology
- Pamela Feld, CEO, Triumph Technology Group
- Juan Fernandez, Vice President, Managed Services, ImageNet Consulting
- Thomas Fimian, CEO, Docugraphics
- Charles Fruth, President/CEO, Fruth Group Inc.
- Leonard Gambino, Partner, Schoenberg Finkel Beederman Bell Glazer LLC
- David Garcia, Inventory and Logistics Manager, Advanced Office
- Rose Grande, CHRO, Flex Technology Group
- Adam Gregory II, Sales Representative/Service Technician, Advanced Business Solutions
- Jason Habbal, Vice President, Vision Office Systems
- Bill Hall, Product Marketing Manager, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A.
- Paul Hanna, President, Blue Technologies
- Carter Hertzberg, CFO/COO, Nauticon Office Solutions
- Kenny Hiteman, Vice President Services and Support—Americas, Toshiba America Business Solutions
- Jim Kahrs, President/Founder, Prosperity Plus Management Consulting
- Matt Kochanowski, Product Manager, Business Imaging, Epson America
- Tim Linsenmeyer, CTO, Clover Imaging Group
- Jim Loffler, CEO/Founder, Loffler Companies
- John Lowery, President/Owner, Applied Imaging
- Debbie Lucero, Vice President of Operations, Flex Technology Group
- Mark Mathews, Vice President, North America Commercial Sales and Marketing, Epson America
- Baron McCloud, Director, CIT
- Nicole Miceli, Solutions Specialist, Pulse Technology
- Jason Moore, Services and Solutions Sales Manager, Supplies Network
- Kelly Moran, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Gordon Flesch Company
- Scott Murr, CEO, ZBA Solutions
- Sharon Mutrie, Vice President of Sales, Bay Copy
- Mark Myers, Senior Director, Channel Sales, Eastern Region, Sharp Imaging and Information Company of America
- Kevin Oberman, Vice President of Sales, Copiers Plus
- Gregg Petrie, President, Copiers Northwest
- Mark Petrie, CEO, Copiers Northwest
- Art Post, CEO, P4P Hotel
- Laura Real, Director of Human Resources, Advanced Office
- Tim Renegar, President, Kelly Office Solutions
- Mary Lou Rodriquez, Senior Customer Service Engineer, Peak-Ryzex
- Karen Roscher, CFO, Flex Technology Group
- Lisa Salerno, Product Manager, Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A.
- Lisa Schultz, Business Development Manager, Supplies Network
- Alan Schwartz, Senior Account Manager, Coast to Coast Computer Products
- Terry Sellman, Vice President of Service, Allied Business Solutions
- Melissa Servatdjoo, Senior Sales Manager/Team Leader, Coast to Coast Computer Products
- John-Austin Sheppard, Vice President of Sales, Nauticon Office Solutions
- Andy Smalley, Director of Marketing, Flex Technology Group
- Aaron Smith, Vice President, Western Region, U.S. Multi-Brand Dealer Channel, Xerox Corporation
- Teresa Sternhagen, Vice President and General Manager, Toshiba America Business Solutions
- Marta Stylianou, Director, Training and Service Marketing, Canon U.S.A.
- Edmund Scott Sumner, Managing Director, SumnerOne
- Chris Taylor, President/CEO, Fisher’s Technology
- Salley Thornton, Director, Field Marketing Communications, Toshiba America Business Solutions
- Brian Titulaer, Vice President of Sales, Wisconsin Document Imaging
- Roland Tolan, CEO/Partner, United Office Technology Group
- Paul Tyczkowski, Senior Vice President, Financial Planning and Analysis, LEAF Commercial Capital
- Charlie Usherwood, CTO, Usherwood Office Technology
- Tim Votapka, Vice President and Director of Marketing Services, Prosperity Plus Management Consulting
- Taylor Wells, Operations Manager, Pearson-Kelly Technology
- Justine White, Director, Customer Support and Transportation, Toshiba America Business Solutions
- Elliot Williams, Group Product Manager, Business Printing, Epson America
- Monica Wilmore, Vice President of Sales, Virginia Business Systems
- Mike Wyatt, Business Development Manager, Supplies Network
- Andrew Zwerner, CEO, Chassi