As organizations look for permanent solutions to operate using a remote workforce, users continue to elevate the risk of cyberattack by not worrying about cybersecurity.
There’s something like 1/3 of the world working from home right now. According to a new report The Everywhere Enterprise from MobileIron, much of the initial focus was to simply get workers productive. From the data it appears that organizations were quickly able to succeed here; two-thirds (66%) of survey respondents stated their employer had the right technologies and solutions in place so employees could work productively from home.
According to the report, this remote workforce isn’t going anywhere; 80% of the employees surveyed stated they don’t want to return to the office full-time. So, organizations need to realize we’ve achieved the “new normal,” and desperately need to find ways to provide as much security today as was possible when everyone worked from the office.
And that’s going to be tough for a few reasons:
- Users are using mobile devices – according to the report nearly three-fourths (72%) of employees find their mobile device important to ensure productivity while working remotely.
- Users aren’t concerned about corporate security – one-third of employees worldwide consider IT security to be a low priority.
- Users are completely unaware of the danger – 43% of employees stated they don’t know what a mobile phishing attack is or looks like.
Mobile devices are one of the more difficult devices to manage corporately. Because users are relying on these devices, aren’t concerned about cybersecurity, and – most shockingly – don’t know how to identify a mobile phishing attack, it’s imperative that organizations take steps to educate users via Security Awareness Training to instill a sense of importance around the employee participating in corporate security, the use of a mobile device as an attack vector, and the prevalence of attacks on mobile devices today.
This blog originally appeared on KnowBe4.