Ever since I sold my advertising agency in 2010, I’ve worked from an office in my home and discovered many realities that need to be overcome in order to be successful. Additionally, I’ve been a college professor since 2003, so since the beginning of March, I’ve been forced to teach my classes virtually. Both experiences put me in a unique position to offer tips and advice to the millions of Americans who have been asked to stay home yet remain productive in their work lives.
Manage Your Background During Video Conferencing: Technology such as Zoom and other video conferencing apps has made working, teaching and learning remotely manageable. However, there are drawbacks when the sense of sight comes into play. It’s human nature to become nosey and try to determine what your fellow workers, clients, teachers or students have behind them. I’ve seen some horrible messes and not just from students. During our first faculty meeting via Zoom, there were several professors that had disgusting backgrounds. Boxes, books and trash everywhere that made them appear as hoarders. I was truly embarrassed for them. While teaching virtually, I don’t require my students to have their cameras on even though some do. Others have goofy photos of themselves or odd-looking characters that are visible when their video option is off. Remember, anything associated with your name has the potential to become fodder for not just that moment, but years to come.
Camera Positioning, Lighting and Personal Hygiene are Critical: You need to remember that these webcams are showing you close-up; probably closer than you allow other humans to get to you in real life. Most of us have seen the talking heads on the news and other shows and developed our own opinions of how they look on a webcam or in some cases a mobile device. Personally, I’ve never liked how I look with the camera (and everyone) staring up my nostrils. When teaching or participating in a video conference, I position my webcam looking at me straight on. Each time prior to the first person joining me, I test the look to make sure there isn’t something that looks odd or out of place. I’ve heard people joke about only having to wear something nice from the waist up, but webcams and laptops can slip, and you don’t want to end up becoming a meme. Lighting should be in front of you behind the webcam and not behind you. Once again, test this before joining a meeting. There’s a reason lighting professionals are some of the highest-paid people in Hollywood. The proper lighting can do wonders for your look.
Keep Audio Muted Until Speaking: Much the same as Tips #1 and #2, embarrassing moments should be minimized. By keeping the audio off while not speaking eliminates the risk of a child screaming, a dog barking, leaf blowers making their aggravating sound, etc.
Have a Checklist for Office Supplies: Working from home doesn’t allow you the luxury of walking over to the office supply cabinet when you run out of file folders, paper clips or staples. To prevent you from running back and forth to the office supply store, make a list of items you used at your office and make one trip or place one order for delivery. This is also a good tip for grocery and any other shopping. Every time you back for an item you forgot puts you and your family at additional risk.
Develop a Routine: This tip is more important than it appears on the surface because it relates to discipline, a critical ingredient for working from home. Most everyone has a routine before leaving for work. You also need a routine to effectively work from home. It doesn’t need to be a similar routine. Feel free to sleep later or spend more time with your at-home loved ones since you’re missing the daily commute both ways. However, a daily routine leads to creating the type of structure you had at the workplace and ultimately keeps you productive.
Computer Security: One industry that’s not only vibrant but ramping up is hacking. Remember your computer and the internet connection are your lifeline to the world and maintaining your stream of income. Don’t allow children or others to use your business laptop or desktop. This would be a lousy time to get a computer virus or be responsible for a hacker getting into your company’s network.
Announce Important Calls to The Rest of Your Household: Provide everyone else in your home with a heads-up when you have a phone or video call with a client, your boss, important vendors, etc. Others in your home need to respect that even though you’re home, you still have a job to do. I suggest having a meeting with everyone in your household and explaining this to them upfront. Trying to do this on the fly can cause resentment and/or embarrassing situations at the worst possible times. This tip is even more crucial if you don’t have separate office space in your home and you’re working from the kitchen table or the living room.
Leave Your Home Office Periodically: Even if you’re not claustrophobic, you don’t want the four walls to feel like they’re closing in on you. Get up from time-to-time, walk outside, stretch, get some sunlight, walk your dog, play with your cat or recap your day so far with other household members. Even if you ate lunch at your desk at the office, try to eat meals outside your home office. This provides a break and also helps keep your workspace clean.
Keep Your Work Area Clean: Even if your workplace office looks like a pigsty, you need to maintain a rigor of cleanliness in your home office. There’s no janitor to clean up after you. You’re it. This tip is important over and above the fact that personal hygiene and cleanliness are the order of the day. A filthy home office can cause allergies to flair due to dust and other particles in the air. This is not a time you want to be coughing and sneezing. Plus, I’ve discovered there’s something special about a clean work environment that makes work more enjoyable.
Don’t Procrastinate: This was my biggest issue when I began working from my home office. Since obviously your home office is in your home, there’s plenty of other chores and projects staring you in the face. While plenty of these projects you’ve been putting off may now be getting done, your job and source of income is suffering. It’s one thing to clean and organize your workspace. It’s another to repaint the kitchen, remodel the bathroom or clean out the garage before getting down to business. I know this from experience. Before I seriously began working from home, my garage looked the best it has in 20 years. So do as I say, not do as I did.
Lastly, it may not be one of my tips, but it’s sage advice and words to live by: Always remember, the Internet always remembers!