The sales world has changed. You can say Father Google, along with technology, has been the catalyst. The shifts have been dynamic, widespread and it’s impacting everyone from those in the C-suite to those within sales. The sales process and journey

Have we entered into the world of reality and survival of the sales fittest? Sales professionals must learn to adapt. Technology and our society are evolving faster than many in sales can adapt to the changes. Darwin’s words have never resonated more clearly.
Chew on this…
Let’s say there are 10 companies in your marketplace, all of them provide similar services, solutions
I know what you’re thinking. And quite frankly, no one cares how long you been in your industry, how long your company has been in business, the awards they’ve won or how they provide the best customer service.
Mediocrity runs rampant inside the sales world. Average salespeople are a dime a dozen, but truly original, creative thinking sales professionals are harder to find. I guarantee your clients want to work with a professional who can generate ideas to set them apart from and ahead of their competition.
Many in Sales Are Clueless
Three-quarters of people who work in sales simply cannot execute, according to Kurlan & Associates. “For lack of a better word, they suck,” says Dennis Connelly, vice president of business development at Kurlan & Associates.
6% of salespeople are “elites” who are great at selling. Another 20% are doing well but could do better. Then there are 74% who are failing. Most of the people in the 74% bracket can improve if they get training. But the bottom 25% are
– Kurlan & Associates
Time to Get Real with Yourself
What sets you apart? Why should people choose you? Or learn from you? Or listen to you? Or do business with you? Or even have a conversation with you?
Are you truly an exceptional sales professional? If you answered yes, WHY do you think so?
What specific skill do you bring that allows you to stand out from the rest of the sales wolf pack?
I encourage you to look in the mirror and ask yourself…
- Am I reading to feed my brain?
- Am I making a difference?
- Am I going the extra distance for my clients?
- Am I serving others?
- Am I serving the cause?
- Am I developing a deep, genuine concern for my clients?
Tough set of questions, aren’t they? Which ones do you feel you could improve upon?
Relevancy is Real
What are you going to do to become RELEVANT? Now think about this through your client’s eyes. This may hurt if you’re honest with yourself.
Each one of you
In this highly competitive, digitally-driven business environment, it is mission critical to stay relevant, competitive, marketable, and yes, desirable. You MUST make sure that you’re continuously improving and evaluating yourself regularly.
Real, relatable and relevant. How well does this apply to you as you’re building meaningful relationships with your clients?
Here’s the deal…many of you in sales wrap yourself up with self-delusional thoughts regarding how much your clients love you. Walk in their shoes, think about the pressures they’re under. Imagine what they’re feeling right now. Empathize with them. Help them! Now ask yourself…just how relevant am I right now to my clients?
Bring Vision and Value
Start engaging in real human conversation with your clients by offering a compelling vision of the future from the point of view of their company and how they can prepare for the future. Bring them a vision cemented in a deep understanding of the trends shaping their market, their industry challenges, what their competitors may be doing and how this can help transform their company.
Rise up, accept that ‘change’ is necessary to succeed in your profession or fall into the sea of sameness.
Every last one of you in sales must become more sophisticated than ever before around what you’re selling. Your clients expect it and demand it! Lead with intelligent insight and exciting ideas that teach them something surprising and new. Otherwise, you become endangered sales species.
I urge you to think about these two questions…
- How can I differentiate myself with insight?
- Where can I get insight?
Check out this episode of the Selling From The Heart Podcast, as we dive into differentiating with insight and understanding.
Don’t be an Empty Suit, Become Relevant
A true empty suit, imagine a business suit of clothing without a person in it who really doesn’t know what they bring to the marketplace or their clients.
How well are you demonstrating competence? What are you bringing to your clients? An executive appearance, presence and attitude may open business doors of opportunity, however; without competence things can quickly dissipate.
Please don’t be this guy…

YOU must become hungry, a lifelong learner. You must become an educator. You can’t become an educator without being a student first. You must gain a thirst for new knowledge. You need to stay up-to-date on new developments, always looking for trends and changes before they happen. Bring to your clients
Remove your client’s mask of uncertainty and bring to them insights. Show them your understanding of their business and how you can help them allocate their resources in a way that will help them achieve results faster now and into the future.
You owe it to yourself, your career, your company and most of all your family. Take off the mask.