Between the Lines: In Search of the 2015 Elite Dealers

EliteDealer Elite ENX 2015 jpgIt may only be early April, but the time has to place the call for 2015 Elite Dealer nominations.

Admittedly, I have a reputation for getting things done in advance whenever possible. Sure, it’s not always possible, but I still try. That’s why we’re now actively soliciting nominations for the 2015 Elite Dealers with the final selections profiled in the December issue of ENX. It may sound early to starting thinking about what’s in the December issue, but as we’ve seen year in and year out, December will be here before we know it.

The deadline to submit your nomination forms is Sept. 1, 2015, but the sooner you get them in the better. We’re ready for you now. You can click on the Elite Dealer logo in the newsletter to access the nomination form or you can go to the ENX Website, scroll down the left side of the page, and click on the logo to access the nomination form that way. Either way, you end up in the same place.

I’ve added some clarifications to what we’re looking for in this year’s form to make it a little easier for you and to ensure more consistency in the responses. You shouldn’t have to spend a lot of time on this, but the more information you provide the easier it is for us to make our Elite Dealer selections. It’s also okay to copy and paste the questions and then send us your nomination form as a Word document.

The most important things for you to emphasize in your nomination form is the following:

  • Why customers like doing business with you (i.e., what makes you stand out from your competitors)
  • Your innovative marketing programs and strategies (the more you say here the better)

The rest is important too, but those two criteria are what you should focus on the most.

Good luck.

Thanks for reading.

Scott Cullen
About the Author
Scott Cullen has been writing about the office technology industry since 1986. He can be reached at