Thanks for all the well wishes. I’m recovering nicely.
The past couple of weeks I ran two articles I had originally written for my local Chamber of Commerce publication on how a business can take better advantage of the Internet. The inspiration is partially next week’s rollout of The Week in Imaging’s revamped Website and redesigned newsletter. I was also inspired by an incident that happened a couple of weeks ago.
I interviewed the owner of a company for a 300-word profile about his business for a special project I was doing for another publication. It was a tight deadline and I e-mailed the article over for approval five days before the final copy had to be at the printer. I didn’t get it back by my original deadline so I e-mailed the next day and eventually heard from somebody else at his company that the owner was away on an emergency and he was going to take care of it. About a half hour later someone else at the company calls me who had no idea about this project, telling me that they weren’t sure if they could get this back to me in time because some of the background information I used in the article (very little to be honest in a 300-word piece) was wrong. Apparently, I trusted information posted on their Website, and was now getting grief for doing because their Website was out of date. If I hadn’t sent that article over to check for accuracy, how would I have known? More importantly, what kind of message are they sending to customers and potential customers if the information on the Website is wrong?
Anyway, happy ending, they made some modest revisions, returned it before the end of the day, and it made it to the printer with time to spare. I have no idea if they ever updated their Website.
New content this week includes:
- A Conversation with George Gallian CEO of Compass
- How to Close More Sales
- Art Post Names His Babies
- What’s Hot & What’s Not?
- April News Bytes
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