The scene of the power disturbance issue that ESP/SurgeX solved.
Mysterious Display Issues Highlight an Opportunity to Increase Energy Intelligence
The Problem:
Shortly after AVAD, a major AV and imaging solutions provider, moved into its Van Nuys, Calif. facility, several of its video displays began to experience pixilation, performance issues and failure. After replacing several displays, AVAD recognized a power issue may be the culprit.
The Solution:
Sometimes timing is everything, which was certainly the case when AVAD Branch Manager, Timo Hildebrandt, invited ESP/SurgeX Vice President of global accounts, Rick Komendera, to the AVAD facility to give a training session on the ESP/SurgeX enVision Power Conditioning System, an advanced diagnostic and power protection device that measures and records power disturbances in detailed, real-time reports and displays. Discussing the recent issues in the new AVAD location, Timo and Rick decided to use the enVision PCS to see if they could diagnose the cause of the video display issues. After plugging enVision into the outlet, Komendera noticed the unit did not turn on, indicating a power issue. He checked for a bad ground, which turned out to be working properly. Other diagnostics from SurgeX’s enVision also indicated no issues.
With enVision’s basic diagnostics complete, Komendera then connected enVision’s integrated scope meter to the line and discovered a constant 17 volt over-voltage flowing unchecked through the building’s neutral wiring. With the issue identified, an electrician was brought in to solve the problem.
The electrician suspected that the feedback voltage was likely being caused by a faulty device on the circuit; however, after subsequent testing at the line, panel and transformer he saw no issues from faulty devices. He called the manufacturer of the 15 year-old transformer and was able to determine by the model and serial number that the unit was not bonded at the factory. The electrician picked up $6 worth of parts, bonded the unit to the ground, and instantly solved the feedback voltage issue.
The Results:
Since the transformer was bonded to the ground, there have been no unexplained equipment disruptions at the AVAD facility. AVAD’s Hildebrandt says, “This experience highlights the importance of having the right energy diagnostics equipment, and the intuition to explore the energy flowing to your expensive connected devices.” He emphasized, “Not all power devices are created equal; the SurgeX enVision PCS is not only an advanced power conditioner, it’s also a robust power analyzer. This is a product that AVAD dealers can use to both protect products and diagnose system issues. ” He emphasized, “It’s critical to rethink power solutions. A deeper understanding of power quality through constant monitoring and management is the best way to protect connected equipment and solve issues before disruption or downtime ever occurs.”