
Radio Commercials, TV Spots, Billboards and What Nots: Kicking it Old School with Marketing

There’s something inherently fun about marketing and advertising. It’s a quest, really: how do I come up with a campaign that’s high on creativity but won’t break my budget? How can I bridge digital with old-fashion touch points, or think of something no one else has considered?
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Take Five: Levifi Offers Insights into AI’s Pitfalls and Potential

Levifi, a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), is reporting on the ever-changing trends of AI and how they will impact the workplace. As with any technology, Levifi aims to educate businesses on evolving AI trends and how to leverage them for profitable, safe,
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Across the World of Marketing, Dealers Identify Tools for Every Need

Want help with your marketing? Simply Google “marketing resources” and you will be inundated with a wealth of options. Then the question becomes, what subset of marketing are you seeking: email, social media, SEO, reporting/analytics tools, AI-flavored options, scripting, copy
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Socially Acceptable: Making an Argument for Marketing Different Channels

If social media represented a hairdo, LinkedIn would be “business in the front,” with Facebook assuming the role of “party in the back.” The networks have much in common, but it’s the tone and intent that distinguish the pair. As such, the posting strategy tends to take
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M&A Roundup: Atlantic Tomorrow’s Office Acquires BrainSell, Levifi Adds XDOS Inc.

The M&A machine was at full throttle this past week, with a pair of announced deals involving office technology dealers. The first sees Atlantic Tomorrow’s Office of New York City reach a deal to acquire BrainSell, a growth enablement company known for its deep
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Table-Setter: Dealers are Laying Groundwork for 2025 Sales Success

Sales momentum is as much psychological as it is quantifiable. If an account representative has confidence, even if it’s a tad unwarranted, the upshot is a positive and aggressive push from quarter to quarter. We live in a world where perception is essentially reality, hard
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Cross-Selling Virtues: Making a Smorgasbord Out of Product and Service Menu

A dealer cannot survive by boxes alone; there’s a hell of a lot more to be found in the full catalog, and incentivizing behavior need not end with a meaty spiff. Cross-selling is the key to ensuring that MFP clients are well aware of your solutions, and vice versa. Let’s be
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AI and the Sales Process: Bringing Clarity, Expedience and Professionalism to the Process

Few people would debate that, in our personal and professional lives, artificial intelligence (AI) is only scratching the surface of possibilities. Then there’s the little matter of what exactly constitutes AI. For years, we have been using technology tools that have intuitive
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Client Prospecting: How Dealers are Winning Net-New Accounts

It’s not surprising that one of the barometers used to measure the success of a sales department is its ability to secure net-new business—taking down a client, and unseating either another dealer or a manufacturer direct in the process (that’s ample reason in itself to ring the
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