Difference Makers

LAST CALL: Difference Maker Deadline Looming March 11

All of you have undoubtedly attended events where someone walks around tapping on a xylophone or some other bell-related instrument to alert guests that the next phase of a presentation is about to begin. That’s the cue to finish up your coffee and head on over to ballroom A/B.
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Epson Difference Maker Elliot Williams Loves Solving Customer Challenges

It’s amazing the depth of information you can absorb simply by listening. Elliot Williams knows this to be true. The director of product marketing for Business Imaging at Epson could easily throw around the weight of his long career, but a know-it-all attitude is the first step
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Applied Brilliance: Brother Difference Maker Evelyn Pichardo Leverages Broad Perspective

Skills sets that are portable and adaptable to any number of business segments can make for a valuable commodity from a human resources standpoint. In the case of Evelyn Pichardo, who currently serves as director, partner experience for Brother International, what crystallized in
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The Ultimate Team Player, Xerox Difference Maker Brian Kimball Builds Positivity

Although Brian Kimball isn’t really much of a sports enthusiast, outside of enjoying a game of golf, he certainly can appreciate the glamor, tradition and the significance of the Stanley Cup. The oldest trophy in North American sports, annually bestowed upon the champion of the
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Impact of Absence: Toshiba Difference Maker Nyesha Newsome Can Feel the Appreciation

It’s not just the most jaded of employees who privately fear that their company views them as just a number, a garden variety commodity who could be swapped out in a heartbeat. Every now and then, however, an event or situation arises that underscores a team member’s worth, and
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A Vote for the Industry’s Future! ENX Magazine Presents the 2024 Difference Makers

It is that time once again that we salute the industry’s Difference Makers. Each year, we put out a call to action asking you, our valued readers, to support our recognition program by nominating the industry’s best and brightest stars. You responded in fine fashion and provided
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Difference Makers: Rarely is the Path to an Industry Destination a Linear One

Speaking strictly from a professional standpoint, have you ever wondered, “How did I get here?” During childhood, we are introduced to any number of occupations that sound exciting, like a fire fighter or a police officer; offer fortune and fame, such as a professional athlete or
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Passion for Learning Pushes ECMSI Difference Maker Jerry Savo to Find His Better Self

As chief financial officers go, one gets the impression that Jerry Savo is a no-nonsense guy who doesn’t tolerate transparent alibis. On the other side of the coin (more on that shortly), Savo has a passion for learning and teaching, which he continues to do in equal measure.
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Epson Difference Maker Debra Merritt Remains Grounded as Career Continues to Soar

The enormity of her career growth and continued success is not something Debra Merritt takes for granted. Her twin sons like to point out that she used to work in the mailroom, and is now the group manager for commercial channel marketing, North America at Epson. While that
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Never-Ending Knowledge Quest Fuels Passion of Canon Difference Maker Matthew Baroletti

Much credence for success in the business world has been attributed to “who you know”; e.g., leveraging relationships to get ahead. Every now and then, we’re reminded that “what you know” likely carries more weight, and that certainly was the case for Matthew Baroletti in the
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Technology Passion Proves a Career Catalyst for ECMSI Difference Maker Dave Galioto

One of the common denominators among millennials who have embarked upon a career in information technology is a passion early in life for video games. Whether it’s the Atari 2600, the Nintendo Entertainment System or a host of other console- or computer-based platforms, video
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Destiny’s Calling: Difference Maker Katie Wagner Finds Her Heart, Purpose at Applied Innovation

Katie Wagner’s professional career path had been set even before she obtained her degree from Western Michigan University. She was going to be a teacher. It was 2005, and it seems a lot of people had their hearts set on being educators, because the job market was decidedly thin.
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Stories Behind the People: The Inspiring Journeys that Help Shape Difference Makers

It’s that time of year again when we put out an all-points bulletin to solicit nominations for ENX Magazine’s annual Difference Maker issue. The roster of 50-plus industry professionals, selected by their peers, will be profiled in the May issue of our publication. Those honored
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Toshiba Difference Maker Ledena Cayetano Thrives as Consortium Program Evangelist

Ledena Cayetano knows how to establish a commanding presence in front of a crowd. After all, the current Consortium program manager for Toshiba America Business Solutions learned an abundance about case building during her time as a practicing attorney specializing in
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Tireless Work Ethic Maximizes the Best in EBS/VBS Difference Maker Cindy Moyer

You may not be familiar with American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, but his Serenity Prayer has been repeated, co-opted, modified and used for decades in both religious and secular contexts (it was actually coined Serenity Prayer by Alcoholics Anonymous in the 1950s). Written
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