Sales & Service

What Did You Sell This Week?

This week, Reed Melnick, president of Nevill Imaging Solutions in Carrollton, Texas, talks about his dealership’s big sale of the week. What was your most notable sale this week? Melnick: Canon
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Declining Page Volume Creates New Opportunities and Challenges

One of the trends we’re seeing in 2012-2013 is decreased paper page output, and movement towards an electronic mobile format. This trend is being seen throughout the industry; both Generation X
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Sales Pitch: Get Your Dealership on Track in 2012 with a Training Needs Assessment

It is 2012, you have a new year and optimism abounds.  You also have a new budget…at a 20 percent increase and no additional headcount to go about the task.  The members of your team don’t have
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Hiring Ground

We are just so busy and can’t find enough people. It’s a challenge all the time and has become even worse in the last year. I think it kind of dovetails with the biggest challenge of our clients,
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Sales Pitch: The Staying Up to Date Game

Many of us work in changing competitive environments. If we don’t keep up with news and trends, we can miss key opportunities and can be caught unawares. That’s why, for some of us,
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Sales Pitch: Put that in Your Sales Pipeline and Sell It!

With the idea of the sales pipeline, we sometimes use the metaphor of a funnel (wide at the top, narrow at the bottom) to monitor the sales process. At the top of the funnel you have
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Production and The Executive

(Editor’s note: I encourage you to share your thoughts on the opinions expressed in this article. Some of the principles may not resonate with all readers and I’d love your feedback either way.)
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Sales Pitch: The Dawn of Latin America’s Decade

(Editor’s note: This article was originally written for ENX magazine’s Mexico and Latin America magazine. To view the original version of this article in Spanish, click here.) While the United
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