Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, CA (June 28, 2023) – Dealer software provider Systems Solutions Limited (SSI) has announced a change in its senior management structure. Former Vice President John Evans will be taking over the role of company president, effective immediately.

Evans’ new title reflects a reshuffling of management responsibilities to better allocate resources. There are no changes in SSI’s ownership, which consists of Evans, former President Charles Russell and SSI founder Terry Kelly. In addition to owning the company, the three also make up its senior management team, actively running day-to-day operations.
The change will be virtually invisible to customers, according to Russell. “The three of us have always had specific areas of responsibility: John handles sales, I oversee operations, and Terry manages the financial side of the business. That’s not going to change. But SSI has been growing and with John taking on additional management duties, I will have more time to focus on software development, customer support and dealer installations.”
Russell added that Evans’ promotion to president is also a nod toward the company’s future. “Terry and I aren’t going anywhere. We’re still enjoying what we do and have no plans to retire any time soon. But with the youngest member of senior management taking a more visible role, dealers can be confident that we are making plans for the future and that there will be continuity of leadership as we move forward.”
Evans, 55, has been involved with the office products industry since 1988 when he began working for Spectrum Office Products in Toronto. A few years later, Evans moved to the manufacturing side of the industry, first with the Multimark sales agency as a manufacturers’ representative to dealers in the Ontario province and then as Day Runner’s national accounts manager for Staples. In 1999, Evans joined eCommerce Industries, Inc. (ECI) as the company’s Canadian sales representative. Then, in 2002, he began working as a consultant for PointForce, who at that time owned the SSI. The following year, he and SSI founder Terry Kelly purchased the company from PointForce and Evans has served as vice president of SSI since that time.
About SSI
Systems Solutions Limited (SSI) provides specialized management, accounting and e-commerce software to companies in a variety of distribution and service-oriented industries, including office products, office furniture, business equipment, janitorial and sanitary supplies and more. SSI’s solutions have been helping small and mid-sized businesses in these industries improve operations and boost profitability since 1980. The company’s philosophy of ongoing improvement through investing in the continued development and modernization of the core software has resulted in ongoing year-over-year growth. SSI is based in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada with additional employees and support personnel located in Kansas and Texas. The company is actively managed by founder Terry Kelly and his partners, John Evans and Charles Russell.