Changing of the ConnectWise Guard: Manny Rivelo Appointed as CEO, Jason Magee to Step Down

Manny Rivelo, new ConnectWise CEO

ConnectWise, the company that pioneered the managed service provider (MSP) model through software, services, and community, today announced that Manny Rivelo, former CEO of Forcepoint, has been appointed CEO of ConnectWise. Rivelo succeeds Jason Magee, who will step down after successfully leading the company through unprecedented growth.

Under Magee’s leadership, ConnectWise has achieved remarkable milestones, significantly growing its revenue and profitability. Since becoming CEO in 2019, Magee has spearheaded the company’s expansion into new markets, developed cutting-edge solutions for MSPs, and strengthened ConnectWise’s position as an industry leader in cybersecurity. During his tenure, the company’s revenue increased by over 300%, and profitability surged by 500%, driven by strategic acquisitions in cybersecurity and data protection, solidifying its role as a driving force in the MSP ecosystem.

Jason Magee, ConnectWise

Magee commented, “It has been an incredible honor to lead ConnectWise during this transformative period. I am proud of what our team has accomplished—scaling the business, expanding our product portfolio, and deepening our commitment to our partners. With a solid foundation now in place, I believe this is the right time for me to step down and hand over the reins to a leader who can guide ConnectWise through its next phase of growth. I look forward to connecting with our MSP partners at IT Nation Connect in November, where we will celebrate our collective achievements.”

Rivelo boasts over 30 years of leadership experience in the technology industry. As CEO of Forcepoint, he successfully navigated the cybersecurity company through strategic growth initiatives and product innovation. Prior to Forcepoint, Rivelo held senior leadership roles at industry giants including F5 Networks, Arista, and Cisco Systems, where he was instrumental in driving key business transformations.

“I am thrilled to join ConnectWise at such an exciting time in its journey,” said Rivelo. “Jason has done a phenomenal job positioning ConnectWise as a market leader, and I am eager to build on that success. The rise of AI presents a game-changing opportunity for MSPs and their SMB clients. Through our purpose-built platform and industry-leading community, ConnectWise is equipping MSPs with the tools they need to thrive in an evolving market.”

Over the coming months, Magee will work closely with Rivelo to ensure a smooth handover and will continue to provide strategic guidance to the ConnectWise leadership team. The company is committed to maintaining its partner-first focus and accelerating innovation to serve its global network of technology solution providers.


About ConnectWise
ConnectWise is a leading software company that connects technology teams to provide exceptional service. Its software suite, which includes professional services automation (PSA), remote monitoring and management (RMM), cybersecurity, and data protection solutions, empowers managed service providers (MSPs) to manage and protect their clients effectively. With a global partner base and a strong focus on innovation and community, ConnectWise continues to set industry standards.