In a bit of a nod to the Captain Obvious in all of us, perhaps one of the secrets to ensuring future growth for managed IT providers is to furnish the full spectrum of IT needs for clients. While there may be no universally-accepted platform of product and service capabilities—indeed, its makeup seems to grow on an annual basis—Bob Maxwell, the owner of KOMAX Business Systems in South Charleston, WV, is confident his dealership has all of the bases covered.

Bob Maxwell,
KOMAX Business Systems sells and supports client printers, MFPs and MFDs, offers document management and scanning solutions, and provides hosted/managed phone and video surveillance systems. One of the areas where Maxwell sees gaining more emphasis is in the realm of cloud-based IT options, which are becoming more readily available at a reasonable cost.
“Most people use some form of cloud-based data systems already (in their personal lives),” he said. “Whether you use an Android, iOS or a Windows phone, chances are you already use some form of the cloud. Our phones upload pictures, videos, contact lists, music and more. Most of us would find it extremely inconvenient to not have this content available to us anytime, anywhere at the touch of a button.
“The same accessibility for data and systems in a business environment can free users to be able to work anywhere, anytime,” he added. “Initially, this may sound bad. Nobody wants to work all the time from anywhere. However, being able to work on snow days or while traveling and without a direct connection to the office can increase productivity and decrease downtime. Most cloud-based systems have phenomenal availability and redundancy, so they are always there when you need them.”

Calvin Wanner,
All Copy-Verticomm
Calvin Wanner, sales manager for Verticomm, the IT division of Denver-based All Copy Products, sees a growing need for both security and cloud solutions for the engineering and medical verticals. “This is due to the nature and requirements of these industries revolving around technology needs,” he said. “They require a high level of understanding and consulting within the technology set that MSPs and consulting firms can provide.”

Chris Falzett,
Topp Business Solutions
Being able to leverage outside resources, particularly in the realm of security offerings, can help boost a managed IT provider in complementing the client’s internal efforts. “The concept of co-managed IT services by supplementing an organization’s internal staff is a good focus area for IT service providers that emanate from the world of copiers,” states Chris Falzett, president of Topp Business Solutions/Topp IT Services of Scranton, PA.

Kia Robinson,
Atlantic Tomorrow’s Office
As physical and cyber security threats continue to dominate the national news, one of the few bright spots to emerge from this age of bad actors and evil perpetrators is the elimination of the notion that these incidents are isolated and pose no general threat, especially in the business world. Kia Robinson, managed services sales manager for Atlantic, Tomorrow’s Office of New York City, underscores this acceptance’s role in heightening vigilance.
“The unwillingness of accepting, ‘it can happen to you’ has changed,” she said. “Security threats impact everyone and the associated risk creates a high level of fear across many industries. Stakeholders must make proactive decisions that will help mitigate the loss of data and the expense of financial penalties for security breaches.”