The Doctor is in the HOUSE!! One of the great features of the Print4Pay Hotel forums is the MEMBERS, we have a resident guru (Dr. PCL5) that monitors the forums on a daily basis. Dr. PCL5 is lurking on the forums to see if there is a ‘pain’ that he can cure.
Dr. PCL5 is an expert at presenting custom solutions that can ease your customer’s pain when it comes to barcode printing solutions, check-printing solutions, LaserJet font set solutions, eforms and custom-print solutions. Best of all his advice is free. When was the last time you went to the doctor and he didn’t charge you?
Although we all claim we sell solutions, are we really digging deep enough into every workflow opportunity with a current customer or a potential client? For example, today one of our reps was working on a large opportunity for multiple units for a net new account. The account had eight or so payments left on the existing MFP lease, our rep was dejected because when he ran the numbers for the MFP’s and the service he was not able to lower their payments. He was looking for the easy sale and I can’t blame him because I’d try to do the same thing. I mentioned to him that he needs to dig deeper with the account, find the pain because somewhere there is pain with their workflow. I won’t get into the particulars because I’m saving that for another blog. Maybe, just maybe eforms would save them countless hours of labor. The point is you never know unless you ask.
If you’re a Print4Pay Hotel member, you can take a trip here to post a question for Dr. PCL5 and if you’re not a member then consider this a special invitation to join the Worlds only social web site that is dedicated to everyone in the Imaging Industry. You can join here.
Good selling!