Can you hear the sands falling through the hourglass? The poet Delmore Schwartz once wrote, “Time is the school in which we learn, Time is the fire in which we burn.” It is a reminder that the flash and flare that once consumed our days will soon become a “photo and the memory.”
Forgive the oversimplified attempt at Poetry 101. Fleeting moments consume our lives, and without the ability to slow down time, we often leave things undone, both small and significant. That’s where an honor such as ENX Magazine’s Difference Makers provides that opportunity to acknowledge the team members and industry partners for their contributions, both small and significant, to enabling the success of your organization.
Submit nominations for 2022 Difference Makers
All that we seek is a small investment of your time to salute the men and women who toil, often anonymously, toward the benefit of a common goal—winning business and solidifying relationships for the long term. We watched millions of employees seek out a better work life in 2021, and while an industry magazine’s recognition program won’t move the needle on retention, it will act as a constant reminder that their efforts are worthy of commendation. While some may appreciate a $25 gift card, your thoughts and words carry so much more value and won’t be lost in a junk drawer, wallet or purse. It is the memory, Schwartz notes, that will remain.
Make sure you take 10 or 15 minutes to fill out the form ASAP and celebrate your team member or business partner. Please let us know if you will require more time beyond this week—we want to give you every opportunity to share your MVP’s story with our reader community.
The program is open to dealers/VARs, OEMs, suppliers, distributors, coaches, consultants—every facet of the office technology universe. Drop Susan Neimes or yours truly a note if you have any questions. Again, time is fleeting, so do not pass on the opportunity to show that valued team member or industry partner that they make a difference for you and your company. You’ll be glad you did.