In a career that spans more than 20 years, Pamela Feld has taken some twists and turns in the office dealer space, from supplies and service to IT and now cybersecurity. The CEO of Triumph Technology Group has reached two conclusions along the way: there is ample business to be had for all, and what better way to leverage opportunities than to share information?
The most recent iteration of Triumph is eight years old, but given the fluid nature of cybersecurity and the constantly evolving tools to help clients do their best to mitigate vulnerabilities, it is a discipline that dictates remaining free of legacy measures. And Feld takes no small pleasure in being a vocal advocate, providing paid and gratis lectures on the subject to complement the litany of products and services Triumph is building out on the West Coast.
It is Feld’s belief that the dealer industry, and indeed, the business community in general, can greatly benefit from forging partnerships and dispensing information that can elevate all involved. She is certainly doing her part to help break down industry silos and bring valued content and ideas to the mainstream.
“During the course of my career, I’ve really enjoyed partnering with other businesses and finding solutions,” said Feld, a 2021 ENX Magazine Difference Maker. “I don’t take no for an answer very easily; I’m just someone who wants to do the very best and be persistent. Working with other dealers, people, creating partnerships…it’s more important than ever that we share information. I’m very adept at trying to find resources we don’t have. It’s important that we not be afraid to share information that can help one another. I believe there’s plenty of business for us all. As I evolved into cybersecurity, I discovered there are lots of opportunities, but we need to help each other to bring us to a better place.”
Feld emerged from the University of California, Irvine, with a bachelor’s degree in social/political science, but in recent years she has fortified her knowledge font with an MDE in business from UCLA, graduate management practices from Stanford, along with Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business. She is certified in cybersecurity assessment training from Webster University and serves as the regional chair for WBEC-West, as part of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC).
Different Approach
Triumph’s evolution mirrors her own. The dealership pivoted to cybersecurity prior to the pandemic, but while it still offers mainstream hardware, supplies and managed services, Triumph was able to weather the pandemic due to its focus on cybersecurity consulting and assessments, security awareness training, dark web monitoring and data backup/disaster recovery solutions. In the process, Triumph developed a customizable, trademark-pending cybersecurity product that has been offering retail to the corporate space. And having the opportunity to speak to a variety of audiences on the topic of cybersecurity has been extremely fulfilling for Feld while raising awareness of Triumph’s efforts.
“I really love solving problems and helping people,” she said. “We’ve always gone above and beyond to help clients, whether it’s a one-person business or a national account, and people truly appreciate that. We did a lot of free consulting throughout the pandemic because people couldn’t find the information they needed. My mindset has always been, ‘Let’s help each other and get through this together.’ I just love innovating and being ahead of the latest/greatest things.”

In addition to the aforementioned product, Feld and Triumph will continue to focus on speaking engagements, webinars and other programs to help dispense cybersecurity knowledge. She noted the firm will be rolling out additional data security and compliance services and products in the coming months. One effort will center on scaling her organization to larger accounts in addition to expanding offerings. She is open to ideas and is but a phone call or email away.
“I’ve consistently reinvented myself over the last 20 years,” Feld added. “It’s about bringing everybody together and not forgetting that we all have a lot to offer, because we all have different experiences and come from different places.”
Away from the office, Feld and her husband are parents to two teenage boys. They love the Southern California lifestyle, whether it’s hitting the beach or going camping/RVing. The family is enjoying its first vacation in quite a while (she cites Hawaii and Costa Rica among her favorites), and Feld is looking forward to discovering other people and cultures on a global basis as things begin to open back up.