I’ve got to be honest with you, the last few weeks have been a bit of a grind. We put out the call for our annual Difference Maker issue, and in the last couple of weeks of the submission period, we were hit with an unprecedented avalanche of nominees. Between collecting biographies and photos, putting together short profiles and editing, it was quite the tall task.
We selected 84 members of the office equipment community to be honored, which represents a growth in excess of 50% over the predecessor class. That’s a tribute to you, our valued readers, who appreciated the hard work and sacrifices that were made by many during a year we won’t soon forget…as much as we’d like to erase it.
So, as we put the finishing touches on the May issue, I’d like to share with you a few bits and pieces about this year’s gargantuan class. No name-dropping here; consider this the editorial equivalent to a mall restaurant offering a small food sample on a toothpick. So, please try this bite of cherry cheesecake, then take a seat at the counter to dig into our May issue, which is right around the corner. No doggie bag required.
American Heroes
Every branch of the armed services is well represented on this year’s list. It comes as no surprise to learn that many veterans have advanced high into the ranks of the office equipment realm. Focus, intelligence and discipline follow these men and women to their post-military lives, which translates well for leadership positions. And the ability to think fast and make critical decisions doesn’t dampen their innovative tendencies in the least. This magazine is honored to count a Navy SEAL among its honorees; indeed, we commend all of our veterans who have served in the name of freedom.
Former Athletes
Some of the same qualities that spur members of the armed services to great heights of achievement also apply to former collegiate and professional athletes. This year’s list includes a former lineman from the United States Football League (USFL) who was also a member of the Cleveland Browns’ practice squad. There are a few college baseball players, a collegiate lacrosse star, a former Romanian professional soccer player, and at least one endurance sport athlete. The ability and commitment necessary to reach or even approach the pinnacle of athletic excellence is marked by hours of practice, training and dedication, not to mention sacrifice. These are the type of individuals any business would want on its team.
Creative and Inspirational
This year’s Difference Maker list is comprised of nearly one-third women, a percentage that continues to climb on an annual basis and is a testament to the ever-growing influence of women in our industry. One such person has survived multiple bouts with cancer and continues to thrive through education and collaboration. Also included in our list of inspirational females is a 28-year service technician. One female rose from receptionist to CEO. Our list also includes many artists, a former stage actress, a weekend radio personality of 40-plus years and several immigrants-turned-business-owners.
Kind-Hearted People
From coaching youth sports to rescuing dogs or serving meals for the needy, the typical 2021 Difference Maker is certainly attuned to the needs of his/her communities. One honoree dedicates time to a St. Louis organization that seeks to empower girls as they grow into young women. Some serve with their local Boy Scouts of America troop or act a “Big” for Big Brothers Big Sisters to mentor children who do not have a model adult in their lives. The list of Difference Makers who give of their time and resources to bolster charities, non-profits and religious organizations is about as long as the list itself. Beginning next month, keep on the lookout for expanded personality profiles of our honorees in the newsletter. These stories are aimed at painting a picture of our Difference Makers that goes beyond their resume of accomplishments. And, of course, we wish to once again thank you, our readers, for bringing to light these special individuals who help to make our industry one of the finest in the nation.