Editor’s note: In recognition of the difficulties many organizations have experienced during the pandemic in raising funds through charitable donations, ENX Magazine would like to bring focus to a worthwhile organization that is near and dear to the hearts of many within the office technology dealership realm: The Jillian Fund.
Below is a letter from The Jillian Fund’s chairman, longtime industry veteran Bill McLaughlin, seeking your help to lessen the financial onus on families that have been devastated by the news that their child will need to undergo cancer treatments. Your donation will enable these families, as McLaughlin so aptly put it, to devote their focus to what matters most—providing love and support by their child’s side.
Today, during the holiday season, during the pandemic, more than 40 families in the United States learned the devastating news that their child has cancer.
And in an instant, they knew their lives would never be the same.
As you know, the goal of The Jillian Fund is to provide financial support to families who are facing the serious illness of a child, so that parents can focus on what matters most—being by their child’s side when they are undergoing treatment.
We want parents to focus on the health of their child, and not worry about how they will pay the rent or utility bill this month.
We are grateful to everyone who has supported us in 2020, a year when we were able to increase the amount of financial support to families and provide emergency assistance to 75 families during the pandemic.
If you have not yet made a philanthropic gift to The Jillian Fund this year, it’s not too late. Click here to make an online donation today. You can also easily set up a monthly gift, to ensure that you are supporting families of children with serious illnesses all year long.
On behalf of all the families we serve, I thank you for your generosity and caring. It truly makes a difference.
With gratitude,
Bill McLaughlin
Chair, The Jillian Fund Board of Trustees