Back in the early 2000s, Judith Jarvis had reached a transition point in her life. The University of Redlands graduate had lost her job, and the financial situation cost Jarvis her car.
Undaunted, Jarvis canvassed the employment landscape in search of positions that yielded a strong income. Not surprisingly, the ones that offered the best prospects for earning power were related to sales. The thought of entering sales made Jarvis pause; she had preconceived ethical concerns about the field.
Whatever notions she had regarding the sales field have been put to rest. Upon arriving at Image Source, Jarvis was excited about the chance to meet new people, learn about customer success stories and build meaningful relationships—all while providing a service on her own terms.
“My philosophy and approach is the customer comes first,” said Jarvis, a 2019 ENX Magazine Difference Maker. “We are here to assist the customer in achieving their goals, not push our own agenda without customer consideration.”
Being Selfless
Serving others was a concept introduced to Jarvis at an early age. She saw her father take off his shoes and give them to a stranger in need. In fact, it is her earliest memory of her father.
“My father’s actions taught me that I am not more important than anyone else, and that a servant spirit is a Christ-like spirit,” Jarvis said. In fact, she abides by a “Christ, others, self” mindset.
To that end, Jarvis takes great joy in helping coworkers achieve their goals, believing it a blessing to be a part of their journey. As executive vice president and chief sales officer, she has motivated and counseled the sales organization across Image Source’s 16 locations throughout California. Jarvis also created a communications platform that enhanced the efficiency of the dealer’s sales process and provided network-wide information sharing.

Jarvis gleans much inspiration from Image Source President Brad Craft, who she feels is passionate about both customers and employees. “Brad is a visionary and always pushes me to think outside the box when coming up with creative strategies to address our customers’ and potential customers’ concerns,” she said.
Growth Trail
Image Source has been on an earnings tear, scoring 23% growth in 2017. The dealer extended its 16-year trend of growth in 2018, and Jarvis felt the team really responded to the challenge. Moving forward, she is hoping to grow the company’s managed IT services business and add another layer of support for customers.
Jarvis’ road to improvement includes daily self-assessment and seeking ideas from customers and co-workers. “We need to seek new and more efficient ways to streamline our internal sales and operational processes in order to better support our customers,” she said.

Away from the office, Jarvis is on the board of directors for Trinity Youth Services, a children’s-based nonprofit. She enjoys traveling and makes it a point to travel abroad twice a year to experience different cultures, food and entertainment. A home improvement buff, she also loves do-it-yourself projects.
She has a daughter, Ashley, who recently published her first children’s book, “Equality Rocks,” which focuses on equality of individuals regardless of race, gender, disability or economic status. “I am above else a very proud mother,” Jarvis added.