In the course of a given day, it is easy to get distracted by a multitude of tasks, some of which may have carried over from the previous day, and others that loom ominously in the near future. As for Anne Priede, she has her feet firmly planted in the here and now.

Ann Priede, Canon Solutions America Inc.
The senior operations manager for the Enterprise Managed Services Division at Canon Solutions America borrowed her philosophy from motivational speaker Dr. Kevin Elko, who reminds his audiences to “Be where your feet are.” Priede embraces this philosophy, having experienced first-hand the value of focusing on the moment, which allows her to prioritize the people and projects in front of her, with fewer distractions.
“Instead of worrying about the past, which I can’t change, or anticipating the future, which could take any number of paths, I try to remain in the moment,” said Priede, a 2018 ENX Magazine Difference Maker. “I feel this makes me a better listener, a more engaged leader, and a more productive person, both at work and at home.”
Priede has enjoyed a 30-year journey in the printing and imaging universe, and currently has operational responsibility for Canon fleet devices at customer sites under a managed print services agreement. Early on, she sought to find a job in Mobile, AL, where she attended college, and ended up taking a position as an applications specialist in tech support for QMS, which was later acquired by what would become Konica Minolta.
In her current role, Priede relishes helping customers benefit from Canon’s services and solutions, which enable them to see tangible results in cost savings and productivity. She also gleans satisfaction from seeing Canon team members blossom in their own careers.
Tackling a variety of disciplines during her career, from product marketing and management for a hardware OEM and a market research company (Lyra Research), has given her a vast perspective into the inner machinations of the office technology landscape. “This has enabled me to connect and establish relationships with people in a variety of roles at a wide range of companies,” she said. “I’m able to combine the knowledge and skill set I’ve gained from these experiences and relationships to help others achieve their professional goals and business objectives.”
Key Mentors
Priede also sits on the executive committee of the Managed Print Services Association (MPSA) and boasts a comprehensive perspective on the challenges and opportunities that confront the managed print space. Over the years, she had the pleasure of working for Charley LeCompte, the original editor and publisher of The Hard Copy Observer, a leading office technology publication often referred to as “the printer industry bible.” Priede was a writer/editor for the Observer under LeCompte, who warned her it would take at least two years to “find her voice.” But find it, she did.
“(Charley’s) guidance and support during that time helped me develop a deeper curiosity about our industry, keener analytical skills, and yes, the ability to express my views on product developments, market trends, and business requirements,” Priede pointed out.
A senior analyst for the Observer, the late Steve Reynolds, was another key role model for Priede. “His devotion to the industry and the imaging world’s family set a wonderful example for me as a newbie,” she added.
The 2017 campaign proved to be fruitful for Priede and her team. Two members of her staff received promotions, while Priede herself was elected as secretary of the executive committee for the MPSA (she previously served as co-chair of the MPSA Marketing Communications committee). “I was happy for the opportunity to deepen my involvement with this organization and help the MPSA continue to lead, educate, and support the managed print community,” she noted.
Staying the Course
As she enters the second half of 2018, Priede’s personal and team goals mesh. She seeks to continue delivering outstanding customer service, acquiring new skills to continue career growth while assisting clients in exceeding their business goals.
“I plan to leverage the relationships I’ve developed with customers and co-workers to build on my strengths and focus on my areas of improvement,” Priede said. “I was recently invited to join the Canon Women in Leadership Levels Mentoring Program, and I’m excited about the opportunity to learn from my mentor and apply those lessons and insights to my professional life.”
Away from the office, Priede enjoys spending as much time outdoors as possible, weather permitting (Mobile leads the nation in annual rainfall at 67 inches). She enjoys gardening, boating and kayaking, but when the skies open up, Priede will lose herself in a mystery or adventure novel.
Traveling to visit family across the country also ranks high on her list, and Costa Rica is her favorite hot spot. “The scenery is beautiful, the people are friendly and welcoming, and the food is delicious,” Priede exclaimed.