Between the Lines: It’s Time for the 2015 Elite Dealer Nominees to Get it On if You Haven’t Got it On Already

Deadline1Let’s get it on! Shades of Marvin Gaye there, but the deadline for us to receive your completed Elite Dealer nomination forms is September 1 and that date is fast approaching. I can see it clearly on my calendar.

Over the years I’ve done my best to streamline the nomination form so it’s not as intimidating or time consuming to fill out as it may have been in years past. You might even be able to complete it in as little as half an hour. You can be as detailed or as brief as you’d like, but the more information you provide the easier it is for us to make our decision.

I also want to stress that Elite Dealer recognition doesn’t extend to only the biggest dealers in the industry. We also honor smaller dealers who are doing something special in their market. Yes, we accept all kinds of dealers. If you’ve never participated, I encourage you to go to the nomination form and review the questions. You’ll see that the responses to many of these questions aren’t totally dependent on the size of the dealership. You can still be a great place to work, a supportive member of your community, and offer creative marketing programs even if you’re grossing a couple of million dollars a year.

Dealers recognized as Elite will be profiled in the December issue of ENX magazine. The material that you submit in the nomination form goes a long way towards helping me write those profiles. By the way, those profiles are often used as a marketing tool by dealers so there’s another good reason to participate. Just click on the banner above or scroll down on the left and click on the Elite Dealer logo. Or click here.

Thanks for reading.

Scott Cullen
About the Author
Scott Cullen has been writing about the office technology industry since 1986. He can be reached at