Hard to believe, but the summer of 2023 is nearly over. Tropical paradise respites, cross-country excursions, memorable European vacations or even just a weekend at the shore (even just lounging in the backyard hammock) is about to become a bittersweet memory. We’ll throw a wink to those who have planned a cruise for September, but you get it. Once Labor Day rolls around, thoughts turn to finishing the calendar year with a flourish.
Here in the offices of ENX Magazine, we already have December on our minds. We’ve skipped right past ghosts and goblins, pumpkin spiced lattes and carved turkey to focus on 2023’s editorial swan song, the annual Elite Dealers issue. Each year, we endeavor to highlight the industry’s leading office technology dealerships, listed alphabetically by sales volume, to celebrate the vibrant fraternity of companies responsible for keeping America’s office infrastructure humming so that it can focus on its primary business objectives.
Nominate your company for the 2023 Elite Dealers listing.
You have a little less than a month (Sept. 15) to RSVP for the biggest dealer party of 2023. It’s a veritable who’s who of Elites, spanning the full spectrum of revenue, from sub-$5 million performers up to $400 million-plus stalwarts. There’s no cost involved, just a 20-minute time commitment to fill out the form. Once your application is approved by ENX Magazine’s editorial team, your company can take its spot among the Elite Dealer honorees, which numbered 123 last year. While our team is lacking in math scholars, that’s less than three dealers per state.
For those who may be unfamiliar with Elite Dealers, it’s an annual catalog (supplemented by the year’s top news) that provides a glimpse of each dealership: city/state, year founded, number of employees, top vendors/solutions/leasing partners, the aforementioned revenue, top growth segments and biggest accomplishment of the previous year. That’s followed by four bullet points that express the value proposition of each company: marketing initiatives, the year’s top contract takedowns, industry awards, charitable endeavors, etc.
Elite Dealers is an indispensable research tool for dealers, vendors, OEMs, managed service providers, leasing companies, VARs, distributors and other contributors to the office tech industry. It serves a function as a directory that can yield networking, partnership and business opportunities. As a repository for ideas, innovations and strategies, Elite Dealers is without peer. In an economy riddled by inflation, free inclusion in a catalog of top performers is a significant value proposition.
With less than a month until the application deadline, please commit 20 minutes today to complete the Elite Dealer application form. Make sure you save the information to your computer when submitting; you will receive a message with a smiley face confirming that your information has been received. We cannot access saved forms.
Please feel free to contact Publisher Susan Neimes or myself if you have any questions. And as always, we appreciate your support of ENX Magazine’s editorial efforts and sincerely hope you will cap off 2023 in fine fashion.