Kansas City, MO (Feb. 17, 2023) — The Business Technology Association (BTA) will hold its first event of 2023, Spring Break, hosted by BTA Southeast, March 17-18 at Disney’s Beach Club Resort in Orlando, Florida.
Open to office technology dealers from across the country, the event will feature a special keynote address by television news personality, former member of the U.S. House of Representatives and former federal prosecutor Trey Gowdy; three additional educational sessions led by industry leaders; seven vendor showcase breakout sessions allowing dealers to learn about new products and services; time to network with peers and exhibitors during breaks and a welcoming reception; and a ticket to a Walt Disney World theme park to use the afternoon of March 18.
Spring Break will begin at 9 a.m. on Friday, March 17, with opening comments, followed by exhibit time and vendor showcase breakout sessions where dealers can choose one of three presentations to attend. A break will follow these breakouts, giving attendees time to visit with peers and exhibiting sponsors. At 11 a.m., Gowdy will present the keynote address, “Unity Leads to Change: The Amazing Power of a Common Purpose.” During the keynote, Gowdy will encourage attendees to pursue purpose — together.
Lunch will be held following the keynote. After lunch, Derek Shebby of Modern Sales Training will present his educational session, “Developing the Post-Pandemic Salesperson.” A break to visit with exhibitors, as well as another set of vendor showcase breakout sessions, will follow.
After the final break, independent consultant Mike Riordan will present the last educational session of the day, “Building a Quality Organization.” After Riordan’s session, a welcoming reception will be held from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
The second day of Spring Break will begin at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, March 18, with breakfast, followed by opening comments and the final educational session. Melissa Whitaker of Melissa Whitaker International will present “11 Core Competencies in Sales to Dominate Your Marketplace in 2023.” Exhibit time and the final vendor showcase breakout session, led by Sharp Imaging and Information Company of America, will follow. The event will wrap up with closing comments and prize drawings from 11 to 11:30 a.m. That afternoon, attendees will visit the Walt Disney World theme park of their choice.
The Spring Break exhibiting sponsors will include ACDI, AgentDealer, ARCOA Group, Brother (lunch sponsor and Vendor Showcase sponsor), CIT, Clover Imaging Group, Cranel, Crexendo, ECi, Epson, FP Mailing Solutions (breaks sponsor), GreatAmerica, Hytec, IBPI, Intermedia, Keypoint Intelligence, LEAF, Kodak Alaris (breakfast sponsor), Miramar Copies, Modern Sales Training (Vendor Showcase Sponsor), NA Trading & Technology, Ninestar, Printerpoint, SalesChain, Sharp (keynote and Vendor Showcase sponsor), Wells Fargo, White Cup, Y Soft, Xerox (reception sponsor) and Zultys.
BTA member dealers receive 2-for-1 registration Spring Break. BTA member dealer registration is $199, which includes the Friday and Saturday educational sessions; Friday breakfast, lunch and welcoming reception; Saturday breakfast; and Walt Disney World theme park ticket. An additional attendee from the same member dealership is $99. Non-member dealer registration is $249 per person.
Click here to learn more about Spring Break, including full session descriptions, or to register.
About BTA
Founded in 1926, the Business Technology Association serves office technology dealerships, resellers, manufacturers, distributors and service companies. Its core members — office technology dealerships — consult, sell and service hardware, software and supplies with the goal of helping businesses maximize their investment in devices and technology. Through the association’s various educational programs, information, research, legal services, publications and guidance, BTA member dealerships are positioned to be the premier source of the office technology used by businesses throughout the United States every day.