Idealliance Launches Industry Survey On Capital Investment Plans & Practices

Alexandria, VA (May 10, 2017) — Idealliance, the communications industry association representing all facets of the global omnichannel media value chain, has launched a research study of the capital investment views of visual communications and media industry companies’ senior executives and others involved in capital investment decisions. Results will support the Idealliance 2017 Capital Investment Study, which will examine the industry’s capital investment history, projections, and plans. The study is planned for release this fall.

“Our study is aimed at helping industry companies gain a better understanding of capital investment best practices and avoid equipment investment mistakes that can be especially costly in our intensely competitive industry,” says Idealliance Chief Economist Andrew Paparozzi, who will author the report. The Idealliance 2017 Capital Investment Study will provide information on:

  • Where companies have invested over the last three years.
  • Where companies plan to invest over the next three years.
  • Which metrics companies rely on most to make capital investment decisions.
  • Which metrics companies use to monitor post-investment results.
  • How companies can improve their capital investment processes and outcomes.
  • How manufacturers and suppliers can better support company decision-makers.

“We are seeking the input of anyone involved in making or influencing capital investment decisions in industry firms,” notes Paparozzi. “This multifaceted view of the investment process will enable us to define key process steps and make company leaders aware of any potential investment pitfalls to avoid and most profitable paths to follow.”

Idealliance is seeking participation in the survey by industry company owners, CEOs, presidents, executives, managers, and those making or influencing capital investment decisions. The comprehensive Idealliance 2017 Capital Investment Study will be provided at no charge to survey participants. It will be available to non-participants at $250 for Idealliance members and $500 for non-members.

Click here to take the survey now. All data submitted is secure and will be held in the strictest confidence. Deadline for survey returns is May 26, 2017.

For more information, please contact Andrew Paparozzi at or (703) 837-1062, or call Idealliance headquarters at (703) 837-1070.


About Idealliance
Idealliance is a global, non-profit organization for the visual communications and media industry. We are focused on sustaining the future of our industry. With our 100 plus years of qualified experience concentrated on integrated capabilities and total supply chain process, we deliver best-in-class specifications, certifications, research, and consulting that drive community, innovation, and inspiration.