Perhaps it is only fitting that as we sign off from this year’s iteration of Elite Dealer challenges, not to mention a 2021 that was remarkable in oh-so-many ways (very few of them good), we provide our dealer community the opportunity to share a few stories about the members of their business and personal families who passed away during the year.
Sam Stone, the owner of Stone’s Office Equipment in Richmond, Virginia, was heartened by how his team stepped up to keep things going strong after his son passed away following an auto accident. “Our company and every employee stood in the gaps to cover everything, for as long as needed,” Stone remarked. “I never worried about the company or the customers, because they took care of everything.”
2021 was particularly tough on Doing Better Business of Altoona, Pennsylvania, which saw several employees suffer significant tragedies and losses, according to Deb Dellaposta, president and CEO. The losses resonated throughout the company, and team members responded in kind fashion.
“As a close-knit, family business, this really impacted everyone,” she said. “We had to rally together and we had to look past policies and procedures.”
Brooklyn-based TGI Office Automation endured the loss of two significant members of their team, Wally Case and Kumar Persaud, and was gracious in sharing their individual stories. Here are TGI’s reflections:
Walter (Wally) Case was TGI’s vice president of sales, service and operations. He was known for his professionalism, industry knowledge and attention to both employees and clients.
“We lost an incredible leader,” said TGI CIO Ed Carroll. “Wally was, in the simplest of terms, a down-to-earth, wonderful guy who was very committed to everyone he worked with, and this company. There are many ways to describe him: respectful, committed, compassionate, driven and caring come to mind, but the one that resonates is one that I have heard from many over the years, ‘The best boss I have ever worked for.’”
Added CEO Frank Grasso: “Wally was instrumental in the success of TGI and a good friend, he will be missed dearly.”
Kumar Persaud joined TGI in March 2010, and during his time as the manager of the call center was very instrumental in elevating the level of customer service within TGI. “Kumar’s attention to details, as well as his concerns for our customers, helped TGI reduce the level of open calls and shortened response time, enabling us to improve our overall level of customer service,” Grasso said. “He surely will be missed.”
To these and other members of our dealer community and the entire office technology space who have suffered similar losses, we offer our sincerest condolences. May the New Year offer you and yours blessings of health and happiness.