Editors Blog

Between the Lines: Random Thoughts

Congratulations to Frank Cannata for another successful fundraising dinner. I understand he raised $80,000 for the Valvano Foundation to fight cancer at his annual awards dinner last week. I
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Between the Lines: The Wow Factor

You don’t have to be a big dealer to look big although I’d call Fraser Information Systems in West Reading, Pa a sizable dealer. They’re a successful one too. Recently I was
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Between the Lines: On the Road Again…and Again

Clearly I haven’t been to Vegas enough times this year.  Here I am again, this time for the Muratec dealer meeting. I’ve been here since Wednesday (Although I’m writing this on Tuesday morning
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Between the Lines: Sure, Why Not?

I’ve been asked by a few dealers if I could extend the deadline for the Elite Dealer nominations. Admittedly my original deadline of Sept. 1 was “the wishful thinking” deadline. In a perfect
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Between the Lines: Here Comes the Long Weekend

I hope you’re looking as forward to the long weekend as much as I am even though I’ve set aside some time on Monday morning to process all those Elite Dealer nomination forms that have been
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Between the Lines: Is it Really Possible to Think Outside the Box When Selling Boxes?

Some things never change and one of those is getting dealers to think outside the box. I’ve been doing this since 1986 although it wasn’t until the early ‘90s that I started taking this industry
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Between the Lines: Growing Up and Up

Some things you don’t need to know the reason why, you’re just thankful they are what they are. That’s exactly how I feel about the weekly addition of new subscribers to The Week in Imaging.
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Between the Lines: A New Addition

This week I’m introducing a new department to The Week in Imaging called “Meet the Movers and Shakers.” It’s a human interest Q&A that focuses on individuals from all corners of the industry,
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