Editors Blog

ECMSI Difference Maker Shane Nesbitt Leverages Outgoing Nature to Yield Continuous Growth

That Shane Nesbitt is a people person won’t draw any debate from those who work alongside or across the table from the ECMSI sales manager. There’s no carefully-crafted agenda lying just below
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Customer Validation, Learning Opportunities Propel GreatAmerica Difference Maker Denise Miller Toward Success

A compliment can have the same impact as food. Sometimes, it’s a sweet, transitory experience that’s soon digested and forgotten. Other times, it can make one’s eyes light up, like a rich piece
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Attention Sales World: It’s Difficult To Build Long-Term Sustainable Relationships With A Transactional Mindset

You can have a slew of transactions or a slew of meaningful client relationships, but you can’t have both. What types of conversations are you having with your clients? I’m here to
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Two-Minute Drill: Larry Huneycutt Carving Out Bigger Slice of Supplies Distribution Pie for ARLINGTON

There have been a number of what one might call business “storms” during the course of the past two-plus years. The most recent one in the world of Carolina Wholesale Group
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Team Genes: Emulating Father’s Model Proves Effective for Sharp Difference Maker Tony Titone

At a superficial level, Tony Titone and his father, John, share a common career in that both of their lines of work involve putting ink to paper. As a 44-year veteran of newspaper production, the
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Xerox, Industry Mourn Unexpected Passing of CEO John Visentin

John Visentin, the vice chairman and CEO of Xerox, perhaps best known for attempting to acquire a larger manufacturer competitor just prior to the pandemic, passed away unexpectedly Tuesday due
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A Giant’s Transformation: New Building, Go-to-Market Strategy has Marco Gunning for $1 Billion

The room filled with analysts, press and industry friends had barely settled into its seats at Marco’s new facility in Minnetonka, Minnesota on May 24 when CEO Doug Albregts dropped a bombshell.
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Leasing Conundrum No. 37: Closing, Commencing Transactions Before Order is Fully Installed

While this month’s State of the Industry report focuses on in-house leasing and financing, it has an underlying supply chain subtopic that, three years ago, probably would not have existed.
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Communication is the Payoff Pitch for MTS Difference Maker Mason Smith

Small changes, in the eyes of Mason Smith, can produce significant impacts over time. As the president and CEO of MTS Office Systems in Anderson, South Carolina, this can range from customer
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Dealer Executives Offer Their Impressions of Kyocera REIMAGINE Conference

The REIMAGINE dealer conference hosted by Kyocera June 1-3 represented the largest dealer-hosted event since the onset of the pandemic, with approximately 850 attendees representing 225 partner
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Flipping Frowns: Resolution and Satisfaction Add Value for GoodSuite Difference Maker Jodie Grice

Perhaps in another life, Jodie Grice would’ve found a calling as a bomb squad tech in charge of disarming devices before they have a chance to detonate. While such a profession is both noble and
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Tireless Work Ethic Maximizes the Best in EBS/VBS Difference Maker Cindy Moyer

You may not be familiar with American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, but his Serenity Prayer has been repeated, co-opted, modified and used for decades in both religious and secular contexts (it
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