Feature Articles

Declining Page Volume Creates New Opportunities and Challenges

One of the trends we’re seeing in 2012-2013 is decreased paper page output, and movement towards an electronic mobile format. This trend is being seen throughout the industry; both Generation X and Y have embraced electronic media and will continue to drive this trend.  As a
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A Year of Change: Preparing the Market for Remote IT Monitoring…and More

A year of continued change and opportunity in the industry … and for GreatAmerica!  As we enter 2012, we are very excited to see the energy that remains around implementing managed print services.  Office equipment resellers are focused on further evolving their businesses down
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What’s Your New Year’s Resolution? Make it Managed Print Services and Make Money!

Each new year brings new opportunities and a renewed optimism that positive change will come. As we look forward to a prosperous New Year, we consider the future of managed print services (MPS) and how that industry will continue to grow throughout 2012.  Technology is
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ELFA’s Acquisition Trends for 2012

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) which represents the $628 billion equipment finance sector, has revealed its Top 10 Equipment Acquisition Trends for 2012. According to ELFA, given that every year U.S. businesses, nonprofits and government agencies spend in
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10 Take-Aways from the 2012 Konica Minolta Dealer Meeting

Not every office technology company is in a position to lead, but Konica Minolta sure is. All one needs to do is examine the facts. And here are some of the facts that were presented to both their direct and indirect dealer channels January 15-17 in Las Vegas and that I took away
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The Greatest Opportunity Ever Sold

After two years of slight increases in copier placements and images, the industry will again enter a period of decline, albeit at a rate much slower than we experienced in 2008/2009. Many industry players have dipped their toe in the waters of MPS but there is still significant
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Evolving to Meet the Needs of the New Breed of Office Technology Dealer

In 2011 customers continued to migrate to a Managed Print Services (MPS) environment, a trend we expect to accelerate in 2012.  As customers embrace MPS and look to optimize their business processes, dealers committed to MPS will begin to adapt their business models accordingly. 
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Making Money Beyond the Aftermarket

Last May at the Toshiba  National Dealer Meeting,  we introduced two new series of color MFPs that feature our innovative e-BRIDGE X controller platform.  The product of several years of research and development, the e-Bridge X platform offers several enhancements to  security
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The Convergence of IT – Network and MFP – Print Services

The convergence of IT/Network and MFP/printer services that has long been predicted began tangibly evolving into a market reality in 2011. Over the last year, we’ve seen imaging manufacturers continue to launch and greatly improve variations of “MPS in a box” programs designed to
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Hiring Ground

We are just so busy and can’t find enough people. It’s a challenge all the time and has become even worse in the last year. I think it kind of dovetails with the biggest challenge of our clients, the independent dealers, and that is the migration or absorption of MPS. It’s one
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Protecting Your Base

It’s becoming clear that offices are not producing the copy and print volumes they once did.  The ubiquitous memo that was once copied and distributed to all relevant parties within an organization is now delivered electronically as a PDF document.  As a younger, mo
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An Industry Transformation

The convergence of managed services and managed print services is going to be significant…huge for this industry in 2012. It’s a trend Photizo identified in 2010 and we are now seeing it come to fruition. There is a critical mass building in terms of programs and an ecosystem
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Streamlining Business Processes

As a document management developer, we believe that the most relevant trends which will drive our business in 2012 will be our customers’ need to further streamline their business processes, their desire to provide document access to the increasing number of mobile knowledge
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How TGI Transformed Itself into a Successful MPS Provider

If Frank Grasso, CEO of TGI Office Automation, could turn back the clock, he’d have hopped on that managed print services train sooner rather than later. Even though he missed the earlier train, that’s not stopping him from climbing aboard now and transforming his successful
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2011 Industry Highlights

  As we wind down the year I thought it would be interesting to contact 52 companies from all segments of the office technology/imaging industry and attempt to get their perspectives on what they consider their company or organization’s most significant accomplishment or
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